IPv6 License Plates

Disappointed by the general lack of a cohesive list of IPv6 license plate sightings, I opted to create my own. Please let me know if you know of any others.

As of now, we're aware of one instance in which two three of these plates were owned by the same person. That's commitment!


(Apparently some people get Legacy IP license plates, too? Weird flex, but OK...)


Sweden (via Twitter)

Sweden IPv6



Ukraine IPv6


United States of America - Arizona / AZ (via Twitter)

IPv6 Arizona / IPv6 AZ


United States of America - California / CA (via Facebook)

Go IPv6 California / Go IPv6 CA


United States of America - California / CA (via Facebook)

IPv6 California / IPv6 CA

^ This vehicle apparently used to be a rental car!


United States of America - California / CA

California IPv6NRD / CA IPv6NRD


United States of America - California / CA (via Facebook)

IPv6VDL California / IPv6VDL CA


United States of America - California / CA (via Reddit r/networkingmemes)

California USEIPV6 / CA USEIPV6


United States of America - Illinois / IL

IPv6 Illinois / IPv6 IL / IPv 6 Illinois / IPv 6 IL


United States of America - Kansas / KS (via reddit)

IPv6 Kansas / IPv6 KS

(Sadly, I've heard from the owner that this plate has been retired.)


United States of America - Michigan / MI (via /r/IPv6)

IPv6 Michigan / IPv6 MI


United States of America - Minnesota / MN (via DM)

IPv6 Minnesota / IPv6 MN


United States of America - Minnesota / MN (via DM)

IPv6 Minnesota / IPv6 MN


United States of America - Missouri / MO (via reddit)

IPv6 Missouri / IPv6 MO


United States of America - Montana / MT (via Google Image Search)

IPv6 Montana / IPv6 MT


United States of America - New Hampshire / NH

1Pv6 New Hampshire / 1Pv6 NH


United States of America - North Carolina / NC (via Google Image Search)

IPv6 North Carolina / IPv6 NC


United States of America - North Carolina / NC (via Discord)

IPv6FTW North Carolina / IPv6FTW NC


United States of America - North Carolina / NC (via Facebook)

TCPIP-V6 North Carolina / TCPIP-V6 NC


United States of America - Ohio / OH (via Twitter)

IPv6 NRD Ohio / IPv6 NRD OH


United States of America - Ohio / OH (DM submission)



United States of America - Oregon / OR (via Instagram)

IPv6 Oregon / IPv6 OR


United States of America - South Carolina / SC (via Twitter)

IPv6 South Carolina / IPv6 SC


United States of America - Texas / TX (via ARIN on Facebook)

TCP IPv6 Texas / TCP IPv6 TX


United States of America - Utah / UT (via Flickr)

IPv6 Utah / IPv6 UT

(Sadly, I've also heard from the owner that this plate has been retired.)


United States of America - Virginia / VA (via Facebook)

IPv4&6 Virginia / IPv4&6 VA


United States of America - Virginia #2 / VA #2

Do IPv6 Virginia / Do IPv6 VA


United States of America - Virginia #3 / VA #3

IPv6 Virginia / IPv6 VA

